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A personal view on quantum computation and cryptography and an interactive discussion

  • 2021-10-18 (Mon.), 10:30 AM
  • 中研院-統計所 B1F 演講廳
  • 茶 會:上午10:10統計所 B1F 演講廳
  • Prof. Chung, Kai-Min (鐘楷閔 研究員)
  • Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (中央研究院資訊科學研究所)


Recently, there have been rapid and exciting developments in quantum computing technology with the promise to revolutionize our world in a not-to-distance future. However,? it is not yet clear that at what pace and in which ways quantum computation will start to impact our world. In this talk, I will share my (relatively conservative) view on the near-term impact of quantum computation from a theoretical computer science perspective. Instead of presenting my view in the whole talk, I will give a short presentation and be open to an interactive discussion. I hope it can lead to interesting discussions on what to expect for the applications of quantum computation. The presentation and the discussion are expected to be conceptual and non-technical. ?In the short presentation, I will classify algorithms into provable and heuristic types and discuss the role of provable and heuristic classical algorithms in modern (classical) computations. Based on it, I will discuss the potential role of provable and heuristic quantum algorithms in future quantum computation. Then I will discuss how current quantum computing technology facilitates the development of both types of algorithms and my personal view on what to expect for the first real-world applications of quantum computation.If time permits, I will also give a high-level presentation on how does quantum power impact the landscape of cryptography.
