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Packages for Social Network Analysis and Open Social Network Data Sets

  • 2015-07-29 (Wed.), 11:00 AM
  • 中研院-統計所 2F 交誼廳
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  • 李 兆 殷 先生
  • 國立臺灣大學電機工程學系博士生


The ample source of Social Network data creates new opportunities for both academic research and enterprise applications. However, we may sometimes overwhelm by the large volume of emerging social network data and the complex network analysis methods. For example, collecting data is a difficult task since we will dedicate much effort on data cleaning before we actually analyze it. On the other hand, we may want to compute some statistical properties for a large social network; however, we can hardly write every code segment on our own and make sure the efficiency of our code is acceptable. Therefore, how to analyze social networks with some help of well-written codes, and how to get cleaned social network data sets for further experiments are two critical questions in this area. In this talk, we are going to discuss some packages for social network analysis and introduce some open social network data sets.
