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Reduce Consumption in Learning: from Data, Model, and Task

  • 2019-06-05 (Wed.), 14:00 PM
  • 中研院-統計所 6005會議室(環境變遷研究大樓A棟)
  • 茶 會:下午15:00統計所6005會議室(環境變遷研究大樓A棟)
  • Prof. Wei-Chen Chiu (邱維辰教授)
  • Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan


While deep learning approaches have demonstrated impressive results in a wide variety of visual recognition tasks, there are several key factors still stop it from general usages: 1) the needs of having large amount of training data cost expensively ; 2) the models with great performance are usually too heavy to be fitted into mobile or edge devices; 3) models or data have low generalizability across different tasks. In this talk I will introduce several tools aiming for reducing the consumption in deep learning from aforementioned perspectives, from my own tunnel view. If time permits, I will close by listing several exciting research topics that my research group is working on.
