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Manifold Reconstruction using Deep Residual Network

  • 2021-02-20 (Sat.), 14:00 PM
  • 中研院-統計所6005會議室(環境變遷研究大樓A棟)
  • 茶 會:下午15:00統計所6005會議室(環境變遷研究大樓A棟)
  • Dr. Tse-Yu Lin (林澤佑 博士)
  • Mathematical Sciences, National Chengchi University (政治大學應用數學系)


Given a dataset X in Rn, a common assumption is that X is embedded in some unknown smooth compact submanifold in Rn. The goal of manifold reconstruction is to find such manifold from X so that the Hausdorff distance between X and the underlying manifold is small. If additional conditions on X are satisfied, then some geometric properties can be preserved. In [1], a theoret- ical and computational method is proposed to construct a manifold M which approximates the underlying manifold. The key idea in their method is to form local projections which are computed to form tangent spaces of M, then a glu- ing function is applied on X to reconstruct the desired manifold. This method also guarantees the boundedness of serval geometric invariants such as injective radius and sectional curvature. In this study, I will first review the motivation of the above reconstruction algorithm and some properties of the local projec- tion. Second, if local projections are replaced by neural network models, then each local projection can be regarded as a residual block. Therefore, a manifold reconstruction algorithm can be reformulated as a learning process of a residual network. Furthermore, each residual block can be trained individually. Finally, some ongoing works about manifold reconstruction algorithms will be given. ? ?[1] Fefferman, C., Ivanov, S., Kurylev, Y., Lassas, M., Narayanan, H. (2019). ??Reconstruction and Interpolation of Manifolds. I: The Geometric Whitney Problem. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 1-99.
