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Enumeration and Asymptotics of Random Walks and Maps

  • 2008-10-31 (Fri.), 10:30 AM
  • 中央研究院統計科學研究所蔡元培館二樓208演講廳
  • Prof. Cyril Banderier
  • Univ. of Paris 13, French


In this talk, I want to give a brief survey of what I did in analytic combinatorics (generating functions and complex analysis).    This survey will be based on 3 kinds of equations which are often met in combinatorics, the way we solve them, and what kind of generic methods we use to get the full asymptotics/limit laws.    I will show that three combinatorial structures are "exactly solvable": - a directed random walk model (using the kernel method and singularity analysis of algebraic functions), - random walks on the honeycomb Lattice (using an Ansatz and Frobenius method for D-finite functions), - question of connectivity in planar maps (using Lagrange inversion and coalescing saddle points, leading to a ubiquitous distribution involving the Airy function).    This talk is based on different works, some of them with Philippe Flajolet, Michele Soria, and Gilles Schaeffer, or more recently with Bernhard Gittenberger.
