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商語皆周語字音發音之關係 The Relationship Between the Pronunciations of Characters in Siong’s and Jiu’s Languages

  • 2010-04-07 (Wed.), 10:30 AM
  • 中研院-蔡元培館 2F 208 演講廳
  • 茶 會:上午10:10統計所蔡元培館二樓
  • 邱 顯 聰 博士
  • 美國科羅拉多州立大學統計系


在之弋演講,我用統計方法來研究廣東話皆河洛話之發音關係。者弋結果顯示廣東話基本上是照河洛話來訂出漢字之讀音。但是因為受中廣東話發音特性之限制,大部分廣東話之字音皆河洛音有相當之差別。之弋表示,廣東話之字音並不是自然發生之;是人為規定之。只有國家,乃有之科能力規定皆執行規模者大之字音轉換。由史冊內對華人來源皆遷居之記錄,我論定,廣東話之字音是在周朝時訂出來之。之弋結論亦提出一弋支持河洛話基本上是商語之證據。(本演講將以河洛話為主) In this talk, statistical methods are used to study the relationship between the pronunciations of Cantonese and Ho-Loh’s language. The results show that Cantonese obtained its pronunciations of Han’s characters, basically, from Ho-Loh’s language. Constrained by the characteristics of Cantonese, the pronunciations are often quite different from Ho-Loh’s. This indicates that the transformation did not occur naturally and thus must be man-made. Only a nation could have this kind of ability to define and carry out the transformation of this magnitude. Based on the historical records regarding the origin and movements of Hua’s people, it is concluded that the transformation occurred during Jiu’s era. This conclusion provides a supporting evidence for the claim that Ho-Loh’s language, basically, is the language of Siong.
