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Class Prediction for Biomarkers of Susceptibility for Treatment Decision

  • 2011-05-25 (Wed.), 10:30 AM
  • 中研院-統計所 2F 交誼廳
  • 茶 會:上午10:10統計所二樓交誼廳
  • Prof. James J. Chen(陳章榮 教授)
  • Senior Biomedical Research Service, National Center for Toxicological Research, FDA, AR


A main goal of pharmacogenomics is to develop genomic signatures to predict patients' responses to drug or biologic therapy for treatment decision. We present an approach to developing a biomarker classifier for identifying a fraction of susceptible patients who should be spared unnecessary treatment.? The approach involves two steps. The first step is to identify a set of biomarkers of susceptibility from a mixture of biomarkers of susceptibility and biomarkers of response; the second step is to develop a classifier using an ensemble classification algorithm, as the number of susceptible patients is generally much smaller than the number of non-susceptible patients.? Important issues and applications will be discussed about the development of biomarker classifiers to identify a small number of susceptible patients.
