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Central limit theorems for studentized -statistics

  • 2000-05-01 (Mon.), 10:30 AM
  • Recreation Hall, 2F, Institute of Statistical Science
  • Prof. Zhengyan Lin
  • School Of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang University


For studentized U-statistics, Arvesen (1969) established a central limit theorem assuming that the second moment exists, and Zhao (1983) established the Berry-Esseen bound if !vml]>[./200501.files/image002.gif]endif]> if the 4.5-th moment exists. We show that the existence of if !vml]>[./200501.files/image004.gif] endif]> moment suffices for the central limit theorem and that the existence of if !vml]>[./200501.files/image006.gif] endif]> moment yields the Berry-Esseen bound if !vml]>[./200501.files/image008.gif] endif]> . if !supportEmptyParas]> endif]> if !supportEmptyParas]> endif]>

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