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Name Position Office Phone Expertise Email
高淑華 Shwu-Hwa Kao Senior Executive Officer 118 02-2783-5611#123 ksh@stat.sinica.edu.tw
曹資敏 Tzy-Miin Tsao Associate Executive Officer 117 02-2783-5611#127 gracet@stat.sinica.edu.tw
林淑雲 Shu-Yun Lin Associate Executive Officer 117 02-2783-5611#122 syl6158@stat.sinica.edu.tw
黃駿逸 Chun-Yi Huang Assistant 117 02-2783-5611#120 jimhuang@stat.sinica.edu.tw
林稚瑩 Chih-Ying Lin Assistant 117 02-2783-5611#130 chihying4045@stat.sinica.edu.tw
林怡瑩 Yi-Ying Lin Senior Clerk 117 02-2783-5611#128 yylin@stat.sinica.edu.tw
楊素琴 Su-Zim Yang Contract-based Employee 117 02-2783-5611#125 shielly@stat.sinica.edu.tw
賴姿秀 Zi-Xiu Lai Contract-based Employee 117 02-2783-5611#131 zixiu@stat.sinica.edu.tw
林晏如 Yen-Ju Lin Contract-based Employee 117 02-2783-5611#126 yenju@stat.sinica.edu.tw
杜玉萍 Yu-Ping Tu Contract-based Employee 117 02-2783-5611#129 twiggy@stat.sinica.edu.tw
黃靖雅 Jing-Ya Huang Contract-based Employee 118 02-2783-5611#117 jennyhuang@stat.sinica.edu.tw
陳香年 Hsiang-Nien Chen Contract-based Employee 117 02-2783-5611#121 shannon@stat.sinica.edu.tw
賴至柔 Jhih-Rou Lai Contract-based Assistant 102 02-2783-5611#105 TIGP-Bioinfo.

葉良智 Liang-Chih Yeh Office Assistant 02-2783-5611#119 s126220@stat.sinica.edu.tw
葉瑞洹 Ruei-Huan Ye Office Assistant 02-2783-5611#118 rewonye@stat.sinica.edu.tw
葉瑞洋 Ruei-Yang Ye Office Assistant 102 reyoungye2024@stat.sinica.edu.tw
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