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Crowding Games with Incomplete Information

  • 2010-07-19 (Mon.), 10:30 AM
  • Auditorium, 2F, Tsai Yuan-Pei Memorial Hall
  • Prof. Kuo-chih Yuan
  • Department of Economics, National Taiwan University


We study static games in which simultaneous English auctions take place at several separate markets, and each market has multiple identical objects to sell. A bidder who knows her own private valuation of the good and the valuation probability distribution over other bidders has to select one market to participate and each bidder needs at most one unit of the good. We analyze the bidders' mixed-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium and develop an algorithm to solve the equilibrium of these games with finite types and finite markets. The uniqueness of symmetric equilibrium has been also proven. ?

Update:2024-12-13 20:40
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