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Exploring ? Textual Data ?

  • 2012-11-30 (Fri.), 14:00 PM
  • Recreation Hall, 2F, Institute of Statistical Science
  • Professor S?bastien L?
  • Agrocampus – Applied Mathematics Department, France


Exploring ? Textual Data ? S?bastien L? Agrocampus – Applied Mathematics Department, France ?: The aim of this presentation is to introduce different strategies for analyzing and visualising so?called ? textual data ?. We will fist present the type of corpus of texts that are usually analyzed through different applications, from marketing to bibliometrics analyses. In the case where the corpus is “naturally” structured according to groups of texts (such situation is a lot more common than one can imagine), we will show how to describe and characterize automatically those groups, how to visualize those groups from a multivariate point of view. We will present also different tools that were specifically developed to analyze and to visualize corpus of texts. References: [1] http://textometrie.ens?lyon.fr/?lang=en [2] http://www.iramuteq.org/ [3] http://ses.telecom?paristech.fr/lebart/02_publication2.html [4] Benzecri, J.P. (1976). L’Analyse des Donnees II. Correspondances, 2nd ed., Dunod. Paris. [5] Benzecri (1981). Pratique de l’analyse des donnees. Tome 3. Linguistique & Lexicologie. Dunod, Paris. [6] Lebart, L., Salem, A., Berry, L. (1998). Exploring textual data, Kluwer, Dordrecht. [7] Muller, Ch. (1977). Principes et methodes de statistique lexicale, Paris, Hachette. [8] Murtagh, F. (2005). Correspondence Analysis and Data Coding with Java and R. Chapman & Hall.

Update:2025-03-07 11:01
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