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Corners in tree-like tableaux

  • 2018-08-09 (Thu.), 15:00 PM
  • Recreation Hall, 2F, Institute of Statistical Science
  • Prof. Pawel Hitczenko
  • Department of Mathematics, Drexel University, U.S.A.


Tree-like tableaux (and other similar combinatorial objects) have been introduced a few years ago and have been of interest primarily because of their connections to Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Processes, jumping particle models studied in theoretical physics. ? ??? Since then, combinatorial properties of these objects have been a subject of interest and study.? In this talk I will discuss some relatively recent results on the asymptotic distribution of several parameters in tree-like tableaux. They were obtained jointly with my PhD advisees (one current and one former) and extend earlier results of Aval, Boussicault, Nadeau, and Laborde-Zubieta.

Update:2024-12-13 18:54
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