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Classification of Temporal Data Using Dynamic Time Warping and Compressed Learning

  • 2019-08-12 (Mon.), 10:30 AM
  • R6005, Research Center for Environmental Changes Building
  • Prof. Shih-Feng Huang
  • Institute of Statistics, National University of Kaohsiung


This study proposes an algorithm combining the dynamic time warping (DTW) and compressed learning (CL) techniques for temporal data classification. ? ? The DTW is used to address nonsynchronous effects in multiple temporal data for determining an adequate reference trajectory. The CL is employed to represent the temporal data effectively and classify the data efficiently by cooperating with the reference trajectory. By applying the proposed algorithm and four other classification methods to several data sets, the proposed algorithm is shown to have satisfactory classification accuracies within a reasonable time. According to this advantage, the proposed algorithm is extended to establish an online monitoring system to detect different types of cardiac arrhythmia. The numerical results indicate that the online system is capable of obtaining accurate recognition results.

Update:2025-03-07 10:56
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