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Postdoc Seminars

My Learning Experiences ----- about scientific writing

  • 2014-03-19 (Wed.), 11:00 AM
  • Recreation Hall, 2F, Institute of Statistical Science
  • The reception will be held at 10:40 at the lounge on the second floor of the Institute of Statistical Science Building
  • Dr. I-Ping Tu
  • Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica


I knew good writing is helpful. However, I was not that aware of its importance until I reflected upon my journey of generating papers. Unlike the preparation work for writing a paper, such as choosing a topic, searching the literature and solving statistical problems, the part of writing a paper presents the most challenging task. I was determined to overcome this challenge and I experienced that basic writing skills can be built up. In this presentation, I would like to share my learning experiences about scientific writing.

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