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TIGP (BIO)—Novel Schizophrenia Drug Discovery to Development – an AI-aided Story

  • 2023-05-04 (Thu.), 14:00 PM
  • Virtual Meeting Only|Link: Please see the abstract
  • Delivered in English|Speaker bio: Please see the attachment
  • Prof. Yu-Feng Jane Tseng
  • Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University


AI or deep learning is a buzzword in recent years. How it was applied and truly helped remained vague in drug discovery and drug development. This talk is going to cover the use of computer-aided techniques as well as the true AI-aided process in the CNS disease.

► Please click Webex Meeting Link to join the talk.


2023-05-04_Prof. Yu-Feng Jane Tseng_bio.pdf
Update:2023-05-03 17:07
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