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TIGP (BIO)—Adapting to Adaptive: Evolutionary Insights into Biological Networks and Stress Readiness in Land Plants

Schedule and venue changed
  • 2024-02-26 (Mon.), 10:00 AM
  • Room 308, Institute of Statistical Science. Online live streaming through Cisco Webex will be available.
  • Delivered in English|Speaker bio: Please see the attachment
  • Dr. Ting-Ying Wu
  • Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica


Biological functions constrain the overall topology of biological networks, including gene regulatory and signaling networks. Gene duplication and subsequent mutations confer evolutionary diversities upon these networks. These networks equip plants with the capability to adapt to extreme climates and environmental perturbations over time. A rich genome dataset allows us to infer the complexity, specificity, and divergence of existing biological networks across various species. My lab's focus lies in the evolutionary conservation and divergence of biological systems. We employ quantitative OMICs methodologies and work with two model species, Marchantia polymorpha, and Arabidopsis thaliana, to elucidate different biological networks involved in plant abiotic responses. Our goal is to understand how biological networks can adapt and evolve in the face of genetic and environmental changes. One of our particular interests is heat stress (HS), which not only stands as one of the most significant stressors for terrestrial life but also serves as a major constraint on plant growth and crop productivity. Consequently, gaining a more comprehensive and systematic understanding of the mechanisms governing HS signaling and response networks could potentially lead to the development of novel and improved strategies to mitigate the effects of heat stress on plants. During my talk, I will discuss the ongoing projects that combine multi-OMIC techniques and integrated analysis to unravel the intricacies of HS responses in land plants. I will also discuss the incorporation of predictive modeling into multi-OMIC analysis, aiming to identify critical genes or features within these plant responses.

► Please click 【Webex Meeting Link】 to join the talk.


2024-02-26_Dr. Ting-Ying Wu_bio.pdf
Update:2024-02-19 15:03
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