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TIGP (BIO)—Big Data & AI in Biomedical Research : A Perspective View from ITRI

Online live streaming through Cisco Webex will be available.
  • 2024-05-16 (Thu.), 14:00 PM
  • Auditorium, B1F, Institute of Statistical Science. Online live streaming through Cisco Webex will be available.
  • Delivered in English|Speaker bio: Please see the attachment
  • Prof. Eric Y. Chuang
  • Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University | Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu


As digital technology advances and data accumulates in biomedical fields, coupled with the development of AI, it brings astonishing changes to the healthcare and initiates rapid development in precision health. Based on the Bio-Taiwan Committee's (BTC) conclusions, the government is actively promoting the establishment and development of related technologies in Taiwan. My talk will be divided into three parts: the trend of precision health, big data and AI in biomedical research, and multidisciplinary open innovation in ITRI.

► Please click 【Webex Meeting Link】to join the talk.



2024-05-16_Dr. Eric Y. Chuang.pdf
Update:2024-05-15 16:12
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